
On this page you will find "Fun" Pictures that have caught my eye.  I do not leave the camera too far away so I can capture these moments.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.  And as you probably has guessed, goats are not the only animal on our property. 

The above picture looks almost like two book ends but this is one of my friends mares and another friends geldings.  I swear they are asking "Are you my long lost twin ?"  Out of all the hose pictures I have ever taken this is my favorite. 

This is Buddy, has not gotten his offical name yet.  They are soo cute when they sleep arn't they ?

This my girl "Sapheria".  She is about three in this picture and standing right by a haybail with the expression "What ? I did not eat any of the hay, I bet you don't have pictures to prove it !"

Just thought this made a beautiful picture. 

This is friendly, our outside cat.  You cannot get past him without giving him some food, he knows how to trip you if needed!!


Lillybell is the mother to Friendly and our Chief Hunter.  As you can tell she is very highstrung...LOL  They do a very good job of killing unwanted creatures.  They have come home with frogs, birds and snakes (sometimes rattlers) 

This is part of the crew cleaning up the field, they do a very good job of getting the weeds out and cleaning up the pasture.  This year with as much rain as we have gotten they have not been able to keep up.  Who would of thought ?